Quality Policy

The Quality System was implemented by management with the objective of establishing a comprehensive organization based on the accumulated expertise of our workforce. We have introduced project methodologies that streamline the work of team and enhance customer perception of quality.

Within its mission statement: (.. High quality components, open source philosophy, continuous updating and seriousness in customer service guide us in our daily activities to ensure maximum satisfaction for our stakeholders) Tecnoteca wants to emphasize the following guiding principles:

  • Meet Customers' expectations and needs in terms of:
    • Vision: the customer satisfaction is our top priority;
    • People, Products, Consulting, Solutions: the team is prepared for the best performance with high-profile professionalism and trained from their first steps in the company by following Internal Policy;
    • Continuous improvement: through evaluation of previous experience, projects and the quality management system must be continuously improved;
    • Data security and continuity: the security standards by which the integrity, availability and confidentiality of customer data are ensured are guaranteed by organizational measures and data centers certified to the highest standards.
  • Ensuring that Team, as the most valuable resource, are provided with a safe, healthy and motivating work environment that takes into utmost consideration the contribution of each individual;
  • Ensuring that Suppliers provide quality service with a with a continuous improvement perspective;
  • Assure the Ownership of corporate profitability through improved productivity and growth of the company's assets in terms of Clients and expertise;
  • Ensuring to Collaborators and Clients an ethical management style that takes into utmost consideration compliance with the laws applicable to projects carried out in Italy as well as abroad.

With the aim of pursuing these principles with the widest participation, the company's management involved the staff from the planning stage of the system and made available the resources that were needed. It was projected following the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard with:

  • The definition of strategic objectives that considers the risks, opportunities, laws and resources in the context in which it operates;
  • The continuous business processes improvement to achieve the expected results, meet the requirements of the management system, and actively and consciously involve people so that they contribute to its effectiveness.

The policy is reviewed periodically at the Management Review of the Quality System from the Property.

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Tecnoteca is certified ISO 9001:2015.

A certified company is able to improve and consolidate its relationships with customers and acquire new ones (national and international), thanks to a better image outside. Recall the importance of possessing certifications as they may be required to compete in certain bids and tenders. They are attestations of quality, reliability and competence.

This certification testifies that we are maintaining a high standard of quality in our services and consistently and comprehensively meeting customer expectations, as well as achieving significant improvements in organizational efficiency and product and service quality.

ISO certification is an important confirmation for the company and our clients that we use appropriate professional tools and that our business process management systems conform to the standards dictated by technical regulations.

Resources, competence, awareness, communication and documented information are the cornerstone principles on which the certification is based.

You can view Tecnoteca's certification: ISO 9001:2015 Certificate.